Clinical Base |
Since its foundation more than 60 000 specialists were instructed at the Medical University – Sofia, 4600 foreign citizens included. At the moment there are 6155 students, 1600 international students included, from 52 countries during the academic year 20011/2012. A lot of students are from Turkey, India, Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus and other countries. The ultimate goal of the University is to teach and train students (under-, post-graduates and Ph.D.), to conduct research and to provide highly specialized health-care for people. The Medical University – Sofia has internationally recognized achievements in: cardio-thoracic surgery, neurosurgery, ophthalmic surgery, high tech diagnostics of human diseases, prevention programmes for cardio-vascular and inherited diseases, bone-marrow transplantation, development of new compounds of synthetic and natural origin, genetics, etc. |
The Main objectives of the University are : > To provide high quality of education in a surrounding enriched by research work; > To preserve and strengthen its position as educational and scientific; institution of the highest international quality; > To form high professional and humane qualities of its graduates in the spirits of the European democracy and tolerance > To provide forming of high quality lecturers and improve their effectivenes |
The Medical University joined the SOCRATES/ERAZMUS programme of the European Community in the 1999 year. This is a programme for contacts with universities from abroad with the intention of increasing the percentage of students undertaking a period of study in another European country. ECTS – EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM. ECTS is a decentralized system based on the principle of mutual trust and confidence between the participating educational institutions. It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements of students by using commonly understood measurements, credits and grades and transferring them from one institution to another, and thus widening the choices available to students. This system was introduced at the Medical University - Sofia in the academic year 2000/2001. |