Educational processes are organized at 58 departments, where 60 doctors and 181 candidates of sciences, including 39 professors and 145 associates’ professors, work. |
The educational departments are equipped with modern automatic apparatuses for training, sets of plastic models and phantoms, complex medical-diagnostic equipments. The teaching is supported with skilled pedagogical experience, highly-qualified research activity and great academic means of training. Ratio and 3 –stage system of student’s knowledge assessment is used at the university,(computer testing, practical skills and interview). |
To improve the quality of teaching educative-industrial pharmacy, dental clinic, and control-analytic laboratory were created where students are able to put the accepted knowledge into practice. |
Clinical bases 0f the universities are the majority of city clinics containing necessary modern medical-diagnostics equipment. Total bed fund of clinical department is 4 200 beds. The main clinical bases of the university the Regional clinical hospital, Regional Oncological Health Centre, Hospital of Emergency Medical Health, Regional Children Clinical Hospital, VSMU Clinic and others . |
There is perfect library at the University, available to each student and having a large number of books in all branches of knowledge in Russian and foreign languages. The majority of books are educational and scientific-methodical literature, unique editions of lectures, recommendation, monographs, scientific works and materials of conferences issued by various chairs. |
The unique electronic library in the republic of Belarus was founded in VSMU in 2003.The center is equipped with new computer equipment high internet speed connections. Teaching staff and student are given access to materials of scientific medical department, data bases “Medicines’’(Russia), “Medline” (The USA) “international Pharmaceutical Abstracts” (the USA)etc. |
There are 14 scientific-pedagogical schools in medical-biological, clinical, pharmaceuticals disciplines at VSMU which make a valuable contribution in to contemporary medical and pharmaceutical science and practice development in the republic of Belarus and CIS countries .Students scientific society has rich tradition and wide experience in the field of young scientist preparation. |
The scientific activity of VSMU is carried out in the following perspective scientific directions: field and extreme medicine, surgical diseases, prophylaxis of alcoholism, drug addiction and psychosomatic diseases, internal diseases; organization management and economy of health care system.
The university edits scientific practical magazines “News of surgery”, “Bulletin of pharmacy”, “immunology, Allergology, Infect logy”, “Bulletin of VSMU”, “Maternity and Childhood Protection”, published in large addition newspaper “Medvuzovets. |
In 1981 by the decision of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health Services of the USSR Vitebsk State Medical Institute was the first in Belarus to receive the right of training medical staff for foreign countries. With in 25 years of the Overseas Students Training Faculty existence 1250 doctors and pharmacist have been prepared and now they are working successfully in 110 countries of the world. |