The Distinct Advantages of Studying in Belarus
Most favored destination for medical studies
In top 5 of Europe attracting foreign students.
High standards of education In Europe, Erasmus....
Globally valid Degrees - IMED, WDOMS, WHO Listed.
Doctor – Patient Ratio : 1:220 (US 1:390, UK 1:440)
Literacy Rate : 99.7% (in Top ten) 5.0
Natural Vegetation : 93.1% of the Land 4.9
Human Development Index : 50th Rank 4.8
Safety Index : 72.43 (High Safety Grade) 5.0
Crime Index : 27.57 (among the lowest) 4.7
Belarus follows European standards of education together with world renowned, long standing Russian methodology of teaching which makes it very high quality and top order medical education. Student group in a Classroom or Lab does not exceed 10 nos. and a Mentor teacher assigned for each Student group ensures personal attention of teacher on each student. Moreover, evaluation comprises pre/post teaching tests, viva, class presentation, Lab workbooks…
Belarus is among top five countries in Europe attracting foreign students for higher education. The student to population ratio is one of the best in Europe, in lead than countries like Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway…
Medical qualification from Belarusian universities is globally valid, listed in WHO Directory, IMED, Avicenna Directories, and WDOMS, and approved by FAIMER of US, GMC of UK, MCC of Canada, and AMC of Australia besides MCI. The Advisory Note from Indian Embassy in Minsk (Belarus) ( reads as under: In Belarus a stable political and law & order situation exists. The prevailing conditions are sufficiently conducive to educational courses for foreign students. The security and safety of the Indian students are generally good.
Among top Medical Universities of Europe
Gomel lies in the southeast of Belarus on the borders of Russia and Ukraine. It is located on the right bank of the beautiful river Sozh. Gomel is considered the second large commercial, industrial and manufacturing city and is also the cultural and sporting center for much of the region.
It is also one of the biggest educational centers in Belarus having 7 institutions of higher learning, 11 specialized technical schools, 13 professional schools and 75 secondary schools in the city. Gomel region experiences mild climate. Average temperature in winter is -5OC, and in summer it reaches upto 40oC.
About Gomel City
Gomel - one of the oldest cities in Belarus, founded in 1142. Now it is the second largest city in Belarus with a developed industry, infrastructure and a population of about 600,000 people. The city is located in the south-east of the country on the banks of the river Sozh and borders with Russia and Ukraine. Due to its geographical location Gomel - an economic, cultural, scientific and educational center, it has 7 higher educational institutions, a lot of entertainment clubs and centers.
Significant Features
> Gomel state Medical University is located in Gomel, the second largest city in Belarus.
> Gomel is located in the south-eastern corner of the country. Gomel is the main city in the region, which is divided into 4 districts.
> The Gomel region has a good road infrastructure with major intl. motorways between Russia, Europe and the Ukraine running through the region.
> The Gomel region also boasts numerous lakes and extensive canal systems.
> The Gomel region has an extensive rail network; there are airports at Gomel and Mozyr.
Gomel State Medical University was founded in 1990. Establishment of Higher Educational Institution "Gomel State Medical University" was in the year 1990, according to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR from 14.11.1990 № 284 and Order of the Minister of Health of the BSSR from 20.11.1990 № 188 to ensure the training of doctors and highly qualified specialists. By the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus of 13.06.2003 № 242 Gomel State Medical University is accredited in the Republic of Belarus as the University. In 2000, at the initiative of the Rector and the decision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the Faculty for training of specialists for foreign countries was opened.
In 2010 the University introduced a certified management system according to ISO 9001: 2008 (certificate of conformity is registered in the bureau "Veritas". This certificate certifies that the quality management system design and implementation of educational activities in the field of medical education: pre-university (preparatory courses, preparatory department) undergraduate (first and second levels of education) graduate (internship, internship, clinical residency, postgraduate) - meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.
At this University, 205 highly qualified Professors, Senior lecturers and Assistants are working in 31 Departments. Indian Professors and Senior lecturers are also employed in the faculties.
1-2 courses of foreign students studying normal anatomy and histology, cytology and embryology, the general and bioorganic chemistry, medical biology and general genetics, normal physiology and biochemistry. Highly qualified faculty theoretical departments of the university provides teaching of basic medical disciplines at a high scientific and methodological level. Along with medical and biological subjects students study Russian and Latin.
Students of 3-4 courses studying clinical disciplines: pathological physiology and pathological anatomy, microbiology and pharmacology, general surgery and internal medicine propaedeutics, general hygiene, and others. The students first get acquainted with clinical bases of the University, the hospitals, where the foundation is laid for their future professional activity.
5-6 courses of foreign students studying surgical and internal medicine, pediatrics and ophthalmology, otolaryngology, infectious and tropical diseases, psychiatry and others. Each student in direct contact with patients participating in clinical rounds and consultations, diagnosis, treatment and manipulation at present operations.
Most of the students use their time for training. For self-students have the opportunity to engage in the reading room of the University Library in computer labs and student scientific circles, take part in student's scientific conferences, practical work in health care in Gomel.
Participation in student circles, creative contests, competitions and amateur sporting events make life of foreign students more intense.
Graduates of the faculty for training specialists for foreign countries awarded an international diploma with assignment of title «MD» (MD). Diploma attached extract from the estimates and the number of hours on the study of the subject, which was subsequently checked with the programs of national universities in the verification of the diploma overseas and the exam to confirm the qualification of the foreign citizen at home.
Graduates of the faculty for training specialists for foreign countries Gomel State Medical University successfully confirm diplomas at home and work by specialists from different fields of medicine in the EU, North America and others.
The clinical base of the University is one of the best in Belarus, where the advanced medical technologies on diagnosis and treatment of endocrinology, cardiology, immunology, hematology, opthalmology and oncology related diseases are applied.
During the clinical course the students can participate in the whole range of diagnostic and treatment procedures at the teaching hospitals. They take part in teaching rounds, examination of patients, clinical demonstrations, taking case history, case conferences. There are 18 large clinics equipped in modern way.
Unique expensive equipment is employed for molecular genetic studies:
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for the isolation of DNA and RNA (centrifuges - vortexes, solid-state thermostats, high-speed centrifuge, automatic station for the isolation of DNA and RNA «Corbett robotics», | 0 amplify - cycler "Tertsik" and gradient thermal cycler PalmCycler, PCR thermal cycler for PCR in real time (RealTime PCR) - RotorGene 3000 and PCR box | for videouchёta and electrophoresis: electrophoresis chamber system | ||
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The system for pulse electrophoresis CHEF-DR III System BioRad. | Automatic single-channel DNA sequencer ABI PRISM 310. | High-performance liquid chromatograph Agilent 1100 |
GMU offers traditional forms of learning, which include lectures, seminars, laboratory and practical training. In the course of 1-3 classes are 2, 3, or 4 academic hours (45 minutes each). At the undergraduate subjects in the study of clinical training is organized in the form of cyclic classes (classes 4-6) in the clinics on 5 and 7 hours per day.
Students of medical faculty has a long way in the vast field of knowledge. In the course of study the student's knowledge will be evaluated not only on the exam sessions, but also during the semester. This is a different test items, the decision of situational problems, difficult colloquiums, seminars, laboratory works ... From the very beginning of study must take the tempo and did not leave it ever!
The first two years of study a student of natural science understands and life sciences, the humanities and social foundations of the disciplines. The main basic subjects for students of the faculty are normal anatomy and histology, cytology and embryology. In the third year the focus is on general professional disciplines.
With a third-year student of the medical faculty practical work, which helps to perpetuate, deepen, improve the systematization of theoretical knowledge of the student received in the course of training, in order to acquire their practical skills needed in the future for independent professional activities.
Senior courses - it is laying the basic knowledge and skills of the future doctor. After the third year students of medical manual are nursing practice, after 4 courses -poliklinicheskuyu, and after the 5th year - medical clinical practice. Students are actively involved in medical diagnostic process, adopting the experience of their teachers . In the sixth year, students complete the training subordinature in four main areas the specialty "Medicine": medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology and critical care medicine, pediatrics.
Passed all the tests, you, six years, will be awarded diplomas to graduates of the medical faculty of the Gomel State Medical University with a degree "doctor".
Regional Scientific Medical Library of Gomel State Medical University is the center of the information space of the university. The library serves the faculty, graduate students, medical residents, doctors, interns, students, university staff and medical staff of health facilities in Gomel and region..
The University Library is located in three buildings: the main building of the University (ul. Lange, 5) is the library manager's office, department of bibliography and electronic resources to the hall for the researchers and e-library, reference and information department and methodical work with a reading room theses theses, employee GMU, newspapers; in a building on the street. Lange 1 is placed department of acquisition, cataloging and scientific processing of the documents, the service department of scientific and medical literature a subscription to scientific and medical literature and reading room; in the educational building number 4 University (pr.Kosmonavtov, 70) is the service department of educational literature with subscriptions of textbooks for the students of the preparatory department for students of 1-3 and 4-6 courses, subscriptions universal science, and foreign literature and reading room .
Research is conducted at the University in the natural and medical sciences. The types of research activities of the faculty and research staff are - carrying out fundamental and applied research, clinical testing results of scientific research and training of highly qualified scientific personnel.
The purpose of all types of scientific activity of the Gomel State Medical University is the use of modern scientific and methodological approaches and techniques to obtain new knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body in normal and pathological conditions, as well as the development and introduction of high-performance healthcare diagnostic and treatment technologies and proactively -ozdorovitelnyh programs that reduce morbidity and mortality, improve the quality of life of the population.
There are departmental stores, restaurants, post office, telephone booths, theatres, sports centers, gymnasiums and play grounds for all types of sports within the university campus. The Library in the campus is a modern construction having electronic audio-visual components and the internet facility. Huge volume of reference books, magazines and medical journals are made available besides text books in English medium.
The cultural and sports life of faculty for training specialists for foreign multinational in nature. Students are given the opportunity to engage in various sports in a sports club, gym or sports playgrounds University. Regularly organizes various sporting events ( Sport landia championships in football, table tennis, cricket, etc.)
From the first course students have the opportunity to visit the student's scientific circles, both theoretical and clinical departments of the University, to speak at meetings, presentations. Students prepare research papers, which are the annual student scientific conferences of the University. Has attained significant results in education, scientific research and community service students include data bank of talented youth.
Student years - the most wonderful time. Each student can try the sport, amateur, research work. Students and university sports clubs invite all talented students to participate in amateur performances, to become members of the university sports teams in basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis and many other types of ports.
Solemn celebration of the important dates in the life of the faculty for training specialists for foreign countries has become a real tradition. One of these dates is the Days of the Faculty in which students can develop their creative abilities and talents. Guests of the festival, among which there are often employees of embassies of different countries, always look forward to this colorful, fun and a good holiday.
In the framework of the Days of the Faculty of the festival of national cuisine, where everyone can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the Indian, Syrian, Sri Lankan, Pakistani and Yemeni cuisine. One of the most exciting and anticipated events, as well as an outstanding event in the life of the faculty is a competition, "Mr. faculty", which is determined by the results of the most talented student of the Faculty.
Taking into account the multicultural flavor of foreign nationals who are studying at the university, the administration is doing everything possible to preserve and maintain national traditions.Foreign students live in dorms with all the comforts, are able to communicate with one another within groups, celebrate national and religious holidays, to participate in national festivals and exhibitions.
Gomel State Medical University concluded agreements on cooperation with foreign institutions of education, research and other foreign organizations. Among the main partners of the University such foreign educational institutions like the University of Nagasaki (Japan), University of Akita (Japan), Kursk Medical University (Russia), University of Aberdeen (Scotland), and others.
As part of a cooperation agreement with the Medical University "First Moscow State Medical University named after IM Sechenov "developed a joint program of scientific and technical cooperation in the following areas: personalized prevention of socially significant diseases, scientometric studies to evaluate the scientific activity, screening of target populations to identify risk factors, and conducted training of specialists.
The collaboration with the University of Nagasaki and Fukushima (Japan). In 2014 it carried out visits of scientists, professors and students, joint research on issues relevant for Belarus and Japan in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster and nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1".
29 September 2014 Educational Establishment "Gomel State Medical University" was visited by delegation from Scotland. At a meeting with the leadership of the University discussed the results of many years of collaboration with the University of Aberdeen, prospects and directions for continued cooperation in the field of education and medical science. Partners from Scotland confirmed their readiness to develop an exchange program for students to assist in the development of distance learning and telemedicine projects with the use of modern information and communication technologies, to conduct joint research in the field of endocrine diseases, programs to promote the improvement of the health system in the Gomel region.
The studies of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms in the framework of the tripartite agreement on international scientific cooperation in research the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs between the institution of education "Gomel State Medical University," Karaganda State Medical University and the Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. Research on the spread of multidrug-resistant strains of P.aeruginosa in Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. As part of the Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (IACMAC) conducted joint work on preparation and holding of workshops and seminars on topical issues for clinical microbiology specialists from CIS countries.
Perspective is the active participation of students in the scientific and practical studies. After graduation, the best graduates the opportunity to continue their education in the magistracy, clinical internship and postgraduate virtually any medical specialty. Obligatory condition of admission to residency is a diploma of doctor of medicine. Education in clinical studies conducted in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Health and lasts 3 years. The program includes theoretical and practical aspects. Training in clinical studies performed at one of the departments of the university on an individual plan.
Upon completion of residency specialist rents exam, which includes theoretical and practical sections, and receives a certificate of completion of residency. Residents can continue their education in graduate school (duration 3-4 years).
In accordance with government policy and the available scientific potential of one of the priorities of educational establishment "The Gomel State Medical University" became a scientific and innovative activity, which is based on a fundamentally oriented and applied research in the field of biology and medicine:
Physical, chemical, biological and genetic methods and techniques for obtaining new substances, materials, modified biological forms, nanomaterials and nanotechnology. The development of new therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitative technologies, devices and medical devices, pharmaceuticals and immunobiological preparations, cellular and molecular genetic techniques.
The University in association with Medico Abroad promote Campus Coaching by expert teachers for MCI Screening Test, PG Entrancce Exams, USMLE.
Indian Food is served at Hostels in delicious Veg & Non-Veg Indian Cuisine, in complete hygienic conditions. A caretaker is assigned for every 10 students at hostels.
Students are stipulated to attend every class as missed class means loss of knowledge. For genuine reason, leave is given but student needs to attend special class.
For the very first time in India, Parents Association was formed for co-ordination with University and Medico Abroad in monitoring the progress of students..
Nativity as if at Home - Indian Roomates, Indian Food, Campus Coaching by Indian Teachers, Caretakers....
University Photogallery - Class Rooms - Labs - Library - Hostel - Food
Video Clips of University, Campus, Education, Lab, Student Life, Parents & Students Opinions...
Semester-wise payment is preferred
Course :
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Tutition Fee per semester :
Hostel / Accom per annum :
General Medicine (MBBS,MD)
4.8 Years + 1 Yr Internship
$ 2185 USD
$ 600 USD
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The major sponsors of this World Directory work are:
1. Australian Medical Council Ltd. (AMC), Australia
2. The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), USA
3. General Medical Council (GMC), UK
4. Medical Council of Canada (MCC), Canada